Our technology is based on bio-compatible dendritic core-multishell nanocarriers. This technology was developed between 2002 and 2012 in the group of Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag at the University of Dortmund and the Freie Universität Berlin. The safety and efficiency of our technology has been already tested in-vitro and in-vivo.
As a platform technology our carriers can be customized to fit the needs of our customers and research partners. For example, upon adjusting the polar and non-polar regions of our carriers we can enhance the loading of a specific drug and therefore enhance the solubility and bio-availability of the drug.
Our carrier DendroSol™ is highly amphiphilic and has excellent skin penetration enhancing abilities for both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs. DendroSol™ carriers are especially interesting as transport vehicles for highly lipophilic and/or poorly soluble drugs. | Read more ... |
The carriers of the DendroCarrier™ series selectively accumulate in tumor tissue. They have controlled drug release properties that enable a pH-dependant drug release within the tumor. | Read more ... |
Due to the strong multivalent interaction of DendroCore™ with P- and L-selectins it was identified as a highly active heparine analogue. It shows great anti-inflammatory and antithrombic activity. | Read more ... |
Schematic representation of a dendritic core-multishell nanocarrier

Core-multishell nanocarrier cluster

The cluster sizes range between 30 nm to 130 nm and can selectively accumulate in tumor tissue due to the EPR Effect (Enhanced penetration and retention). The nanocarrier is soluble in aqueous media and most organic solvents. They transport polar as well as nonpolar guest molecules.
DendroSol™ carriers help drugs to overcome the stratum corneum, bring in higher quantities, and significantly enhance the penetration into deeper skin layers compared to other conventional formulations.
Our carriers are non-toxic and non-irritating. Examples of drugs and dyes which have been tested are: Nile Red, Rhodamine B, Doxorubicin, Dexamethasone Indocarbocyanines, Sagopilone, Nimodipine, ß-Carotine and many others.

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Carriers of the DendroCarrier™ series are pH-clevable. We have exclusively licensed this promising technology from the Freie Universität Berlin.
The carriers have sucessfully encapsuled Nimodipine and Doxorubicine. First animal tests have demonstrated excellent bio-compatibility.

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DendroCore™ is a highly sulfated and multivalent agent with anti-inflammatory and antithrombic activity. The anti-inflammatory properties are based on its extremely tight binding to P- and L-selectines which then prevents the adhesion of leucocytes to the inflamed tissue. The recruitment of leucocytes from the blood stream is a key step in the inflammation cascade.

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